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Building trust: acquisition, conversion, and authenticity of video evidence

19 Sep 2024
Tech Hub | Hall 4
Tech Hub
We live in a time of uncertainty when it comes to determining facts from digital video evidence. It is far too easy now to produce content that does not exist, or worse, that it is fake. The criminal justice system is faced with never ending headaches, considering how important digital video evidence can be to prove or disprove crimes. Learn how Amped Authenticate can help you determine if an image or video is authentic or not. We will use traditional techniques such as metadata analysis and shadow analysis, but we also have new groundbreaking detection technologies. But authenticity can also be affected by incorrect acquisition or conversion of digital data and we must tackle the issue at the source. Learn how Amped Engine can extract video data from proprietary files, in a safe and sound forensic manner, ensuring that what you work with is original. And authentic!
Emi Polito, Trainer and Technical Support Specialist - Amped Software