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  • Venari Group – the emergency vehicle specialist – has announced the appointment of an experienced industry name into its fire fighting division. John Purdy joins Venari as Sales Manager this month, wi ...
  • Venari Group has confirmed a major exclusive partnership agreement for the fire fighting sector, with one of the world’s leading helmet manufacturers, SCHUBERTH. SCHUBERTH is a famous, 90-year old, ma ...
  • For over quarter of a century PageOne has been at the forefront of messaging innovations for the public and corporate sector. The company’s multi-channel messaging and alerting services combine next-g ...
  • Press Releases

    18 Mar 2020 asp
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam pharetra nisi sed nisl rutrum, ac pulvinar libero efficitur. Cras ultrices, dui quis molestie consectetur, diam diam condimentum eros, v ...