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PA Consulting

Stand: 4/D100, Microsoft Partner Pavilion
  • The Emergency Tech Show
  • Microsoft Pavilion
  • Business Services
  • Emergency Planning Services
  • IT
  • Medical equipment
  • Other
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Machine Learning
  • Cloud / Data Storage
  • Data Analytics
  • Digital Transformation
  • Other

PA is a global technology and transformation consultancy driving end-to-end innovation. The company revitalises organisations through leadership, culture, and technology. Its experts deliver impactful solutions in AI, IoT, and cloud transformation. Collaborating with Microsoft, PA leverages cutting-edge technology to solve complex challenges. Guided by its purpose, PA believes in ingenuity to build a positive future, creating real-world impact through intelligent enterprises.


London Victoria Office
10 Bressenden Place London
United Kingdom


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  • For Unilever, success depends on their teams coming up with novel product ideas and designs that stand out in crowded markets to drive growth. They wanted to harness large amounts of data to speed up ...
  • Everyone should feel safe in their home, including the millions of people who live in high-rise buildings. The UK Building Safety Regulator is charged with making this ambition a reality. We worked wi ...
  • Following the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic (2020 – 2021), National Health Service (NHS) waiting lists in the UK are at an all-time high. Getting the numbers down is critical and every bed matter ...
  • As businesses strive to become intelligent organisations, AI-enabled tools have the potential to radically enhance the way we communicate, collaborate, and solve challenges. We are working with Micros ...
  • Every second counts for ambulance services. Our technology experts have enhanced the digital skills of staff at the UK’s West Midlands Ambulance Service University NHS Foundation Trust (WMAS) to devel ...
  • The reasons for these workforce and culture challenges are multi-faceted. Individuals are spending increasingly more time working independently from colleagues, at remote locations, and at unsociable ...
  • As Harold Wilson knew all too well, nothing focuses the mind quite like a deadline. It was 30 September 1963, the night before the final day of the Labour Party conference in Scarborough, and the futu ...
  • Key points The NHS needs to look to different approaches to achieve sustainable, high-quality healthcare that meets both patient need and expectations. Using a combination of retrospective, real-time ...
  • Health data or Real-World Evidence is data routinely collected for care but is also a hugely valuable resource that can help our understanding of what works and what doesn’t to improve care and as a s ...
  • To lead in the AI era, take a human-centred approach

    Adam Bertelsen, Nyree Basdeo, Dean Collins and Bruce Nicholson
    Organisations across industries and sectors are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance productivity, boost innovation, and unlock hidden value. AI can empower workforces throu ...
  • This will enable them to weave the technology into the fabric of their organisations, helping to boost overall AI adoption and ROI across industries and sectors. PA is already piloting new AI powered ...
  • Scan the QR codes to dive deeper and explore our stories
  • Our latest brochure showcases how PA's Patient Catalyst leverages AI and machine learning to revolutionise NHS patient care, improve decision-making, and boost operational efficiency. Discover how our ...
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